



It goes without saying that Gospel Movement will not happen in any community without prayer. United, humble, concerted prayer will be the engine that propels the Gospel into your town or city. Like the atmosphere that allows life to flourish, so prayer is the air of the gospel, facilitating Kingdom life.

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In this blog we want to share with you short video stories from people who are in the trenches in their communities, mobilising prayer across the church and seeing God move in response to the cries of his people. We hope (and pray) that you will be encouraged to persevere in prayer for your community or to begin to gather those who, like you, have a heart to cry out to God for his Kingdom to come in your town or city.

  1. Movement.org Founder Mac Pier briefley shares the story of prayer in New York City over the last 30 years as well as the tangible results.

  2. Jason Hubbard from Bellingham in Washington State, USA talks about his journey from being a prayerless pastor to leading a movement of prayer not only in his own congregation but across his county. Again, the results are amazing.

  3. Ian Shelton, Movement Australia and South Pacific Co-ordinator teaches about hearing the cry of pain from the oppressed in your city and turning that cry into prayer. He asks, "Is our intercession entering into the pain of the injustice of the victims around us?"

  4. Tom White has conducted prayer summits all over the world over the last 30 years. In this video he shares strategic insights for prayer in the context of a city gospel movement.

  5. James Condon leads Australia Prays. He has a passion to see the many prayer groups around the nation come together as well as united prayer in each community that engages with the felt needs of the community.

  6. Steve and Patti Buss lead the One Hope Network and are based in Eugene, Oregon. Together they discuss the core components of a community wide rhythm of prayer.


15 November 2023

The Beatitudes