


Movement Day Working Group formed in Papua New Guinea

Pastor Walo Ani from the Central Papua region in PNG convened meetings with key city leaders in Port Moresby on 27-29 July.

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Pastor Walo Ani from the Central Papua region in PNG convened meetings with key city leaders in Port Moresby on 27-29 July.

Leaders from Church, government, business, and independent ministries came together to discuss a city gospel movement with an emphasis on the areas of women and youth. Among those in attendance were the current chancellor of the Port Moresby university, the former PNG ambassador to the US, police, lawyers, key public servants and a young couple currently leading an amazing city-wide youth revival with over 8000 young people.

Ian Shelton who travelled to the meetings with businessman Andrew Youngberry said “We found them hungry for the things of God and desperate for the state of their city and the nation. Leaders in attendance admitted that the church in PNG in its current form was not cutting through even though there were many individual good news stories.”

Leaders in attendance at the meetings agreed to form a working group to work towards a Movement Day PNG to run in the next year or two. Many were keen to see a kingdom minded gathering under the umbrella of Movement Day supported and embraced.

“We are very thankful to the Lord for the time we had to together and how much the Lord had gone ahead of all those involved by preparing hearts and bringing such a wonderful group of leaders together”.


15 November 2023

The Beatitudes