Disruptive Voices of the Pacific is a podcast that seeks to disrupt the silence around taboo issues, especially those of abuse & porn. There is a crises in the Islands. 2 in 3 women are abused and yet Church attendance is the highest in the world. As Christians, we are called to speak and act against oppression and injustice. The church is called to be part of the solution not the problem.
This podcast will seek to hear stories from survivors and perpetrators. We will hear from those who are on the front line addressing the problems. We will hear from leaders. Get ready to be disrupted and then to disrupt.
If you broke a leg, you would seek immediate medical attention. Similarly, when we experience abuse, it's crucial to reach out for help and healing. In this episode, I interview Amelia, a survivor of abuse, who bravely shares her personal healing journey. She discusses the important role her friend Sera has played in supporting her throughout this process.
Sera runs healing camps for individuals who have experienced abuse. Tune in to learn more about this impactful initiative and how it is helping others on their journey to recovery.
Fiji has a number of organisations that offer help and support. Check out https://disruptivevoicespacific.com/find-help/
Tupou is the mother of Mele, who I have interviewed twice. Mele was the first woman I spoke to three years ago when she courageously broke her silence about the abuse she experienced. In a culture where many issues are often ignored or hidden, Tupou emphasizes the significance of speaking. She shares how this openness has brought a sense of freedom and healing to her daughter, Mele.
We know them as the family that writes and sings. But in this interview they talk about their marriage, how they met, how they navigate the ups & downs of working so closely together.
Thank you to the Lacanivalu Transformation Revival Sounds for your vulnerability and for sharing your lives with us.
Interview with Retired Adventist Pastor Regarding Allegations against Fiji Adventist President. Ps Cakobau first became aware of the allegations against SDA president in 2020. At the time he spoke with Ps Nasoni urging him to do the right thing. Weighed down by the cover-ups, the silencing of leaders and criticism towards the victim Ps Cakobau has chosen to speak up.
A local woman is breaking her silence. Recently she lodged a report to the Police against the President of the Seven Day Adventist Church Fiji for abduction & attempted rape. She is telling her story in the hope that other women might come forward too. Thank you for your courage.
She has chosen to not show her face or name and remain anonymous.
If you have a story please send me a message.
Many young people dream of marrying that "special" one, but so often it can end in heartbreak. Matai & Mei have been married for 41 years and now run a marriage course to help other couples. In this episode they talk about marriage "killers" and what young people can start doing now to prepare for marriage.
Molested as a young girl, Ela Waqanivavalagi is now part of the Breaking the Silence Team that speaks up to break the silence that exists around abuse. In this interview you will hear more about the work of Breaking the Silence and also you will be informed about there conference coming up in June.
To register for Be The Voice Conference go to https://youengage.me/p/66314818981abb010002587e
For more information email Ela at [email protected]
Louisa is the author of "Island Queen Journal." As a victim of abuse Louisa talks about the powerful role that journaling played in her own healing and wants to encourage women of all ages to write down what they are going through. Louisa will inspire you with hope. Grab your journal from JBROS in Nabua Suva today!
In a world where porn is teaching our sons about women, sex & relationships....it is vital that as parents we get on the front foot and prepare our boys. Letitia interviews Paul from the Men's Empowerment Network, discussing simple yet powerful tools for creating healthy sons who will hopefully one day be healthy husbands.
Last year I interviewed Lola about being married to a man who had cheated on her for 15 years. She is now divorced and in this latest episode she talks about life after the affairs. She is on a healing journey with her three children, but gives some great insights into what is needed after a divorce.
In this episode Letitia talks with Hennah Joku, a high profile journalist in Papua New Guinea. Hennah was raped and knocked unconscious by her former partner. After a 5 year journey seeking justice he was finally sentenced to prison in May 2023 for 11 years. Hennah is passionate about speaking up and changing a system that so often works against the victim.
Are you looking for a tool that ensures your safety? Or helps you gather evidence against your abuser? Or helps you to report that person who has been sexually harassing you at work? Samson Selladurai along with his twin brother Giftson has developed a global app to help keep women safe. In this interview Samson talks about the features on the I Am Safe app and how it is an important tool in the hands of women.
Minister for Women, Children & Social Protection Lynda Tabuya talks with Letitia about the important role the church can play in ending violence. Recently the government launched the National Action Plan to Prevent Violence against all Women & Girls. This is a plan in which the whole nation needs to get involved in for there to be real change and especially the church, they are a key.
In this interview with Ps. Samisoni Cakau, he talks about the importance of leaders getting help with their struggles and also being honest about real life issues. Ps Sami shares about his own struggle with porn and how bringing it into the open not only set him free, but many others as well. Healthy leaders create healthy churches that create healthy cities.
I have been surveying Fijians regarding what they were taught by their parents or church about sex, dating and marriage and whether that has helped them or not. In this episode I share some of the results from this survey as well as interviewing Talei on her experience around this issue as a young women growing up in Fiji.
In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, Letitia interviews Pastor Tiko. He is not only a father to his own sons, but also to many young men in Fiji. Ps. Tiko talks about what he has learned along the journey of raising sons to be honourable men who protect their families and communities.
Our first interview of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific for 2023 is with Lola. It’s a painful story of affairs and infidelity. Unfortunately these stories are all too common. Lola speaks up to warn others of the red flags and the destruction that unfaithfulness in marriage causes. Lola has found support, help and hope.
It’s time to hear from a former perpetrator! We have heard the stories of a number of survivors of abuse, but in Disruptive Voices of the Pacific it’s time to hear the story of a former perpetrator of abuse. Thank you Turaki for your courage to share about your past. Thank goodness there is hope in Jesus for those who repent and change their ways.
Have You Spoken to your Children about the Harms of Porn? In this episode you will hear an interview that Letitia did with Wise in 2020. At the age of 13 he was exposed to porn. No one in his life had ever warned him about porn and the damage it can do. That silence led him down a very dark path. Let’s not be silent! As adults we must educate ourselves on the harms and how to speak to the children in our life about porn. www.defendyoungminds.com is a brilliant resource to help you in this important discussion.
“Are We Listening to the Pain?” Our communities are full of pain. Are we willing to listen to the pain in order for healing to come? The book of Lamentations is 5 chapters on the destruction of a city. God gives voice to the grief and suffering of a city and He calls us to do the same. This episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific is another powerful story of abuse from Amelia. Let’s hear the cry and ask God what can we do to see an end to abuse?
For over 10 years Pastor Maca Tabuya endured severe abuse from a man in her home. Today she still suffers from injuries from that abuse. In Disruptive Voices of the Pacific Maca shares her story in order to challenge the church to disrupt its silence, and to create spaces where people can be healed.
How Not to Marry an Abuser. In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, Father of 4 and pastor, Moses OConner shares how he has taught his two girls how to watch guys closely before getting into a relationship. He also talks about some of the red flags to look for and then challenges guys to become men through finding godly male mentors.
Can women lead and speak in the church? Daniel is a local pastor in Fiji who has women preaching and leading regularly. In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific we discuss his biblical basis for this, what is added to the church when women lead and how having women in leadership is an important part of seeing an end to abuse.
In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, Letitia interviews Mere who suddenly faced the devastation of her husband leaving her for another women. Mere talks openly of how she has made it through one of the toughest times of her life. (Mere's voice has been disguised to preserve anonymity)
In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, Letitia interviews former police officer Linieta Navonu. She served in the police for for 35 years and 20 of those years were in the child abuse and sexual assault services. Linieta shares heartbreaking stories, we discuss sex trafficking in Fiji and also Breaking the Silence.