
Movement Australia Resources

We’re committed to providing you with the resources you need to see a Gospel Movement where you are. These books will encourage you on the journey.


God is a City Builder

by Ian Shelton

"'God is a City Builder' calls the church to take up her God-given mandate to be a repairer and restorer of broken communities. It’s a prophetic call for the church to unite in reconciled diversity and, with an attitude of Christ-like humility, proclaim the gospel both in word and acts of sacrificial service. In this book Ian Shelton combines a lifetime’s study of the scriptures with decades of practical experience to highlight the Father’s plan to restore your community."

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Unity for Movement

by Greig Whittaker & Andrew Katay

"The power of unity. This book is written in two parts. Part one follows a personal journey into understanding God’s desire for His church to become one, for the sake of their city, to the glory of God. It gives practical guidance on unity journeys - what they look like, how to move forward, and what are some of the learnings from the past to be used to inform this future. It invites the reader to personally seek God’s direction and then invites them to pay the price of engagement. Part two looks at the elephant in the room - a practical theology of unity. "

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Radically Restored: To Oneness with One Another

by Peter McHugh

"What do you live for? Would you answer this question with reference to your lifestyle? Your purpose and your goals? To meet the expectations of others? As followers of Jesus, we are invited to live for the advancement of God’s Kingdom. That advancement begins with an individual’s decision to place their trust in Jesus and live in a community as a flourishing member of God’s family. This advancement continues personally and corporately as a disciple of Jesus. We are to be known as a disciple of Jesus by our love for one another. We are to bear His image by living for the well-being of others, in particular at best for those we disagree with and at worst, who are our enemies."

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Disruptive City Women

by Letitia Shelton

"YOU WERE BORN TO BE DISRUPTIVE! Our cities are full of darkness that is oppressing lives. As women, we see and feel the pain of this oppression. Be inspired by women around the world who have responded to God—disrupting silence and indifference, injustice, homelessness, domestic violence, death, abortion, prejudice, corruption, and more. Their responses have taken courage and required risk-taking, and at the same time produced much fruit. Now we invite you to take responsibility for the darkness in your city and move into action to see light released. When women are mobilised to make a difference, we will see a Gospel City Movement in our cities. All sales royalties from this book go back into the work of City Women Toowoomba - equipping the women of the future! Book dimensions: 5" x 7" "

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The Doorway to Transformation: Collected Writings

by Ian Shelton

"Complied over more than 20 years, these collected writings represent a lifetime of practical ministry experience. The principles expressed here are more than theory, they have been implemented on the ground among real people in real places. They have been tried and tested. These writings are lessons learned over the long haul, from years of labouring to see the church of a city unify across denominational and theological divides and pull together missionally so that a community might experience the Gospel."

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Fathers: Building Family, Church and Community

by Ian Shelton

"Fatherlessness is the biggest problem facing society. Wives need a responsible husband, and children need a father who is involved in their lives and is in the home. Communities need the fathers and mothers to stand together for the good of all. This manual is not a book or even a detailed comment on fathers or the lack of them. It is simply a list of relevant Scriptures from the Bible about fathering, with a few short remarks about each Scripture. The manual is meant to be read slowly and reflectively with time to allow each Scripture to sink in. The most important aspect of this exercise is for the father to take time to pray over the Scripture and to ask God to help him be the responsible, loving father that his family and his community so desperately need. It is my opinion, in light of Scripture and my own experience, that fathers are indispensable in the raising of families and the building of secure communities. My prayer is that fathers will support each other to be even better fathers, and especially that they will work together for the sake of the fatherless in their communities."

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Ian Shelton

Ian is married with 5 children and lives in Toowoomba, QLD. He coordinates Movement Australia which works for the unity and transformation of towns and cities. For over 40 years Ian was the Senior Pastor of Toowoomba City Church, a local congregation committed to unity of the Church of the City.

Letitia Shelton

Letitia Shelton is an ordained pastor and works with leaders from across her city to make an impact on the lives of women and girls across the city. She travels and speaks about city church unity and how it has tackled many social justice issues that women face on a daily basis.

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