


Resources To Help Get Started

Movement Australia exists to see a Gospel Movement flourish in every town and city in Australia. Here's a list of resources we've collated to inspire you as you get going.

Download our vision book

Movement Australia exists to see a Gospel Movement flourish in every town and city in Australia.

Here's a list of resources we've collated to inspire you as you get going.

The Big Picture

Movement Vision Clip

Movement Day Australia 2019 Highlights

Movement Day Australia 2018 Highlights

The Paradigm Shift - Thinking City Transformation - Roger Sutton

The War in Your City - A Theology of Cities - Ian Shelton

The Next Step

Biblical Foundations of a City Gospel Movement

Movement Vision e-Book

Australian Stories

Loving Your City - Rick Prosser

Churches working together in Kalgoorlie, WA

Global Stories

The Salford Story
The amazing transformation God has brought to Salford, UK.

Stephen Sutton
Stephen shares his passion for the unity of the church in his city.

Jason Hubbard
How a united church in Bellingham, Washington State, saw remarkable city transformation.

Andy Street
How a united church is impacting the city of Bristol, UK.

Ministering to the Vulnerable

Introduction to Lament - Letitia Shelton

Understanding the suffering in our cities - City Women Toowoomba

Ministering to sex workers - Paulette Carins - Rahab founder

Children Suffer - song
The impact of pornography on children

Engaging Civic Authorities

Marvin Rees - Mayor of Bristol, UK
Marvin shares how the church has engaged with civic authorities and is making a real difference in that city.

Tom Tait - Mayor of the Gold Coast, Australia
Tom shares about his own faith and how the church is engaging with the Gold Coast city council.


The role of creativity and the arts in transforming a city - Lesley Sutton

Beauty Will Save Your City - Nathan Edgell

The Earth is the Lord’s - Lyric Video



15 November 2023

The Beatitudes