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Historically church is seen as an end in itself rather than church being a means to the coming of the Kingdom.
This has seen the focus and resource allocation of a local community of faith to be determined by its own need for growth with little attention given to Jesus’ view of His people in a geographical area impacting their community and culture through the pursuit of being one (John 17: 22 – 23).
Church leaders have inadvertently diminished Paul’s view of the church being built together and fitted together (Ephesians 2) into a local church expression, rather than a Kingdom perspective of one church represented by many congregations in any given geographical area. Jesus identified our love for one another and our pursuit of oneness as the two keys for the world to know Jesus is the Son of God.
As the Spirit is inviting churches all over Australia to shift their focus to being a means to the coming of the Kingdom, we can all learn from one another. You might like to check out Kingdom Conversations to view what is being discovered and whether you would like to join the conversation.
Peter McHugh, Kingdom Conversations, Melbourne