Movement - Podcast


Disruptive Voices of the Pacific

Disruptive Voices of the Pacific is a podcast that seeks to disrupt the silence around taboo issues, especially those of abuse & porn. There is a crises in the Islands. 2 in 3 women are abused and yet Church attendance is the highest in the world. As Christians, we are called to speak and act against oppression and injustice. The church is called to be part of the solution not the problem.

This podcast will seek to hear stories from survivors and perpetrators. We will hear from those who are on the front line addressing the problems. We will hear from leaders. Get ready to be disrupted and then to disrupt.


  • Episode 88 - How Should a Young Woman Expect a Guy to Treat her?

    23 July 2024

    I'm back with Ritchie & Terry talking about how they treat women in their lives, but also what are some of the red flags in how guys treat young women.

  • Episode 87 - Porn & the Boys of Fiji

    19 July 2024

    An open discussion with three great men - Ritchie, Naca & Terry - about how they were exposed to porn and how they stopped watching it.

  • Episode 86 - Dating Mistakes Guys Can Make

    15 July 2024

    Thanks Ritchie & Naca for sharing your dating experiences as young men.

  • Episode 84 - The Mistakes We Make While Dating

    6 June 2024

    Who hasn't made mistakes during dating? But some mistakes can have a devastating impact on your life. Miri joins Letitia to discuss some of the mistakes she has made in past dating relationships. She speaks out in order to help others not to make the same mistakes.

  • Episode 83 - One Woman's Impact in Tonga

    30 May 2024

    Katrina is a disruptor for good. In this interview she talks about the change she is bringing to Tonga through leadership, business and helping the vulnerable. We all have the ability to bring change, be inspired by Katrina's life.

  • Episode 82 - A Remarkable Woman Making a Huge Difference

    24 May 2024

    This episode is a positive story of an ordinary woman who saw an important need in her settlement and did something about it. Roko is a mother of 7, teaching 30-40 children literacy every Saturday morning in her home. Be inspired by her passion.

  • Episode 81 - Breaking the Silence

    17 May 2024

    Molested as a young girl, Ela Waqanivavalagi is now part of the Breaking the Silence Team that speaks up to break the silence that exists around abuse. In this interview you will hear more about the work of Breaking the Silence and also you will be informed about there conference coming up in June.

    To register for Be The Voice Conference go to

    For more information email Ela at

  • Episode 80 - There's Healing in the Writing

    9 May 2024

    Louisa is the author of "Island Queen Journal." As a victim of abuse Louisa talks about the powerful role that journaling played in her own healing and wants to encourage women of all ages to write down what they are going through. Louisa will inspire you with hope. Grab your journal from JBROS in Nabua Suva today!

  • Episode 79 - Cyber Safety and Why We Must Talk About It

    9 April 2024

    Anne Dunn is Fiji's former online safety commissioner and now works as a digital safety advocate. Anne talks about the importance of cyber safety, why it is a very real issue in Fiji and also why we need to discuss these topics with our children.

  • Episode 78 - How to Trust Men After Abuse

    20 March 2024

    Maca was abused for many years by a man in her home. Now she is happily married with one child. How did Maca learn to trust men again? This is a very important conversation.

  • Episode 77 - When Discipline Becomes Abuse

    14 March 2024

    Mariana Waqa worked for 4 years in the Pacific Islands piloting child protection programs with the Pacific Council of Churches. She is a great advocate for children and making sure they are loved, nurtured and protected.

  • Episode 76 - Life After Abuse

    4 March 2024

    Lizzie is sharing her story for the first time to help other women see the Red Flags and to also encourage them in their healing journey. It can be a long slow process but it is worth it!

  • Episode 75 - Preparing Your Son for Healthy Relationships & Marriage

    27 February 2024

    In a world where porn is teaching our sons about women, sex & is vital that as parents we get on the front foot and prepare our boys. Letitia interviews Paul from the Men's Empowerment Network, discussing simple yet powerful tools for creating healthy sons who will hopefully one day be healthy husbands.

  • Episode 74 - Life After Affairs

    23 February 2024

    Last year I interviewed Lola about being married to a man who had cheated on her for 15 years. She is now divorced and in this latest episode she talks about life after the affairs. She is on a healing journey with her three children, but gives some great insights into what is needed after a divorce.

  • Episode 73 - How to Prepare Your Daughter for Healthy Relationships & Marriage

    14 February 2024

    Paul Morrell from Men's Empowerment is back and talking to Letitia about practical ways to prepare your daughter for healthy relationships. Paul gives practical advice to dad's on how they can help their daughters.

  • Episode 72 - One Woman's Story of Survival in the Sex Trade

    2 February 2024

    Ally-Marie is a survivor of childhood abuse and 6 years in the sex trade. In this episode she shares her story, the reality of what goes on in the sex trade and what she is now doing to help other prostituted women. Ally-Marie is an inspiration to all who meet her. She truly is disrupting!

  • Episode 71 - Healing from Abuse

    20 December 2023

    At the age of 21 Losalini was abused by a man in her family. In this interview she discusses her journey of healing and why seeking healing is so important.

  • Episode 70 - Empowering Men

    20 December 2023

    Paul Morrell is the founder of the Men's Empowerment Network in Fiji. In this episode He shares some of his struggles as a man & he talks about the big issues men are facing today.

  • Episode 69 - Can We End Suicide in Fiji?

    12 December 2023

    Jere Merekula is the manager for Lifeline in Fiji. He discusses with Letitia what needs to happen to get men talking more about their issues in order to see a decrease in suicide across the nation of Fiji.

  • Episode 68 - A Story of Survival

    22 November 2023

    Sala was in a relationship with an abusive man who also cheated on her for 15 years. Her one regret....she didn't leave earlier. May her story give you courage to leave.

  • Episode 67 - Courage to Leave Again

    16 November 2023

    Recently Etta posted on her Facebook the abuse she has received from her ex-partner. Her call was for women to leave and get help. In this interview Etta shares more of her experience of abuse and why she is speaking up.

  • Episode 66 - Working in the Prisons of Vanuatu

    31 October 2023

    Bobby Smith talks to Letitia about his work in the prisons of Vanuatu.

  • Episode 65 - Relationships, Sex & Porn

    31 October 2023

    Two local young people Lanieta and Luka share their thoughts on relationships, sex and porn. They unpack what young people are needing today to navigate life in the 21st century.

  • Episode 64 - Healthy Sex

    24 October 2023

    What does a healthy sexual relationship look like? In this episode Letitia interviews psychologist Gretchen Mitchell. Gretchen has spent years helping couples in this area and has helpful insights to offer.

  • Episode 63 - Redeeming Patriarchy

    24 October 2023

    Peter Schultz is an Australian living in Fiji. He works a lot with sexual offenders in prisons. In this episode Peter talks about how he speaks to men about redeeming patriarchy and what that looks like.

  • Episode 62 - Sex Trafficking in Fiji

    17 October 2023

    In this episode Letitia talks with Seki and Lynnie from Homes of Hope Fiji. They talk about what sex trafficking looks like and the work they are doing to help survivors and vulnerable young women.

  • Episode 61 - Our Culture, Our Community

    12 October 2023

    Akanisi Tarabe is a trainer on gender equality with House of Sarah and talks about the parts of Fijian culture that need to be changed in order for blessing to come to our communities and to put an end to violence against women and children.

  • Episode 60 - Verbal Abuse is Abuse

    10 October 2023

    In this episode we discuss how much verbal abuse has become the norm. But do we really understand the impact it is having on our kids. Ps. Maca Tabuya talks about how we can change this.

  • Episode 59 - 4 out of 5 Kids in Fiji are Abused

    3 October 2023

    This week in Fiji the report into Violence against Children was released. In this episode Letitia interviews Dr. Litea Meo-Sewabu from the University of Western Sydney. She was one of the main researchers that put the report together. Dr Litea shares some of the key findings from the report.

  • Episode 58 - One Woman's Fight to Put Her Abuser in Prison

    25 September 2023

    In this episode Letitia talks with Hennah Joku, a high profile journalist in Papua New Guinea. Hennah was raped and knocked unconscious by her former partner. After a 5 year journey seeking justice he was finally sentenced to prison in May 2023 for 11 years. Hennah is passionate about speaking up and changing a system that so often works against the victim.

  • Episode 57 - Are You Safe?

    13 September 2023

    Are you looking for a tool that ensures your safety? Or helps you gather evidence against your abuser? Or helps you to report that person who has been sexually harassing you at work? Samson Selladurai along with his twin brother Giftson has developed a global app to help keep women safe. In this interview Samson talks about the features on the I Am Safe app and how it is an important tool in the hands of women.

  • Episode 56 - How do we Create a Nation of Healthy Men?

    9 August 2023

    Ps. Ben talks about the need to help fathers in Fiji. He works with juvenile youth and sees first hand the impact of a fatherless generation. However, it is possible to turn this around.

  • Episode 55 - What is happening to men in Fiji?

    9 August 2023

    Jere speaks about the alarming rate of suicide in Fiji among men and the huge need to create safe spaces where men can share their struggles and get help.

  • Episode 54 - Born Out of Incest

    9 August 2023

    Listen to Ps. Boila share his story at our recent book launch of the Disruptive Voices of Pacific Men. Our past should not determine our future and Ps. Boila is a living example of that.

  • Episode 53 - Molested by the School Janitor

    18 July 2023

    Ben is one of the contributors to Letitia’s latest book “Disruptive Voices of Pacific Men.” He catches up with Letitia to talk more about his story and why he has chosen to be vulnerable and speak up.

  • Episode 52 - Let's Talk About Sex

    18 July 2023

    Letitia & Liliana discuss the need to better help our children understand what is healthy sex and relationships. Telling our kids not to have sex has not been helpful and does not set them up properly for future relationships. How can we do better?

  • Episode 51 - How Do I Leave My Abuser?

    10 July 2023

    Tanya is a family lawyer in Suva and shares some practical steps in how to get out of an abusive relationship.

  • Episode 50 - Men, It’s Time to Share Your Stories

    10 July 2023

    Vulnerability is not weakness. In this interview Ps. Moses urges men to not hide behind their masks, but rather to come to terms with their brokenness and speak it out and seek help.

  • Episode 49 - Abortion, Abuse & Toxic Relationships

    3 July 2023

    Letitia interviews her friend Jackie on issues she faced before she was a Christian. Jackie reveals how she sought healing and hope from her abortion, the abuse she received and also the harmful relationships she was in.

  • Episode 48 - What Does it Mean to be a Kingdom Man?

    28 June 2023

    Joe Delanimati is a great young leader in Fiji. He loves Jesus and seeks to live according to His ways. That means it shapes him as a man, his actions and the way he views women.

  • Episode 47 - How Can the Church of Fiji Help End Violence against Women?

    26 June 2023

    Minister for Women, Children & Social Protection Lynda Tabuya talks with Letitia about the important role the church can play in ending violence. Recently the government launched the National Action Plan to Prevent Violence against all Women & Girls. This is a plan in which the whole nation needs to get involved in for there to be real change and especially the church, they are a key.

  • Episode 46 - Leaders: Be Bold in Sharing Your Struggles

    26 June 2023

    In this interview with Ps. Samisoni Cakau, he talks about the importance of leaders getting help with their struggles and also being honest about real life issues. Ps Sami shares about his own struggle with porn and how bringing it into the open not only set him free, but many others as well. Healthy leaders create healthy churches that create healthy cities.

  • Episode 45 - Pregnant at 15, Married at 16

    25 May 2023

    Vani grew up an abusive home that then caused her to go searching. Her's is another powerful story of courage, abuse, and redemption.

  • Episode 44 - Sex, Dating & Marriage?

    11 May 2023

    I have been surveying Fijians regarding what they were taught by their parents or church about sex, dating and marriage and whether that has helped them or not. In this episode I share some of the results from this survey as well as interviewing Talei on her experience around this issue as a young women growing up in Fiji.

  • Episode 43 - Breaking Free from Porn & Shame

    9 May 2023

    For many years Libby struggled with a secret porn addiction. It wasn’t until she spoke up about her struggle that she was able to find freedom. Listen to this inspiring interview as Libby shares with so much passion how she has found freedom.

  • Episode 42 - How to Tell if Someone is being Abused?

    26 April 2023

    It’s important that we are aware of what is going on in the lives of those around us. In a nation where abuse is so prevalent, how can we tell if someone is being abused and how do we help them. Letitia will answer these questions in this episode.

  • Episode 41 - How Do I Know if I'm in an Abusive Relationship?

    26 April 2023

    Abuse is way more than a black eye or a broken arm. It comes in many different forms. Tune into this episode as Letitia talks about the different types of abuse. Could you be in an abusive relationship and not know it?

  • Episode 40 - Empowering Teen Girls

    11 April 2023

    Recently Taru & Letitia ran a day for teen girls in Suva. They chat about some of the issues facing teen girls and how this day helped to address them.

  • Episode 39 - Do Abortions Happen In Fiji?

    11 April 2023

    Even though abortion is mostly illegal in Fiji, they still happen. In this interview Letitia chats with Uni from Life Runners, a pro-life organisation in Fiji seeking to raise awareness about the value of life and also offer help to those in need.

  • Episode 38 - Infedility. One Man’s Story.

    3 April 2023

    Tom shares his painful story of his wife cheating on him. What got him through?

  • Episode 37 - Can I Divorce My Abusive Spouse?

    3 April 2023

    Take a listen on what Pastor Moses OConnor has to say on this very important issue.

  • Episode 36 - Bringing up Young Men

    29 March 2023

    In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, Letitia interviews Pastor Tiko. He is not only a father to his own sons, but also to many young men in Fiji. Ps. Tiko talks about what he has learned along the journey of raising sons to be honourable men who protect their families and communities.

  • Episode 35 - How Can Churches Better Address Abuse?

    28 March 2023

    In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, Letitia sits down with Rev. William Powell from the Methodist Church and talks about how he addresses abuse from the pulpit and what churches need to do to help both victims and perpetrators.

  • Episode 34 - Breaking the Culture of Silence

    22 March 2023

    Recently Pastor Maca did a Ted X Talk in Nadi on Disrupting the Culture of Silence. In this podcast Letitia and Maca talk about what happens to a nation when the women are silenced, what must be done to disrupt the culture of silence and why she chooses to speak up.

  • Episode 33 - The Courage to Leave

    21 March 2023

    Etta is a singer / songwriter and a mother of 7. In this episode of Disruptive voices of the Pacific she speaks out about what life was like for her in an abusive relationship and what gave her the courage to leave.

  • Episode 32 - Powerful Song from a Survivor of Abuse

    28 February 2023

    Dee was abused as a little girl by men she “trusted.” Her childhood was stolen from her, but she has survived. Listen to this powerful episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific which includes a song Dee has written.

  • Episode 31 - Abused by Her Husband but told to Submit by her Pastors

    16 February 2023

    Memcy’s ex-husband is facing court with 8 charges of sexual assault against her, yet when she reached out to her pastors for help, they told her to go home and submit to him. This type of advise has got to stop!

  • Episode 30 - Her Husband Has Cheated on Her for 15 Years

    2 February 2023

    Our first interview of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific for 2023 is with Lola. It’s a painful story of affairs and infidelity. Unfortunately these stories are all too common. Lola speaks up to warn others of the red flags and the destruction that unfaithfulness in marriage causes. Lola has found support, help and hope.

  • Trailer

    31 January 2023

    A short trailer explaining what Disruptive Voices of the Pacific is all about.

  • Episode 29 - Should I Send My Abuser to Prison?

    16 December 2022

    God is a God of justice. In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific you will hear from Peter Shultz who lives in Fiji and works in the prison system to rehabilitate sex offenders. Peter talks about the importance of seeking justice.

  • Episode 28 - It’s Time to Hear from a Perpetrator

    15 December 2022

    It’s time to hear from a former perpetrator! We have heard the stories of a number of survivors of abuse, but in Disruptive Voices of the Pacific it’s time to hear the story of a former perpetrator of abuse. Thank you Turaki for your courage to share about your past. Thank goodness there is hope in Jesus for those who repent and change their ways.

  • Episode 27 - Have you Spoken to Your Children about Porn?

    6 December 2022

    Have You Spoken to your Children about the Harms of Porn? In this episode you will hear an interview that Letitia did with Wise in 2020. At the age of 13 he was exposed to porn. No one in his life had ever warned him about porn and the damage it can do. That silence led him down a very dark path. Let’s not be silent! As adults we must educate ourselves on the harms and how to speak to the children in our life about porn. is a brilliant resource to help you in this important discussion.

  • Episode 26 - Are We Listening to the Pain?

    6 December 2022

    “Are We Listening to the Pain?” Our communities are full of pain. Are we willing to listen to the pain in order for healing to come? The book of Lamentations is 5 chapters on the destruction of a city. God gives voice to the grief and suffering of a city and He calls us to do the same. This episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific is another powerful story of abuse from Amelia. Let’s hear the cry and ask God what can we do to see an end to abuse?

  • Episode 25 - How Porn is Harming Men

    6 December 2022

    In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, Ps. Manasa speaks passionately about the harms of porn on men and why men need to take responsibility.

  • Episode 24 - Shame Dies When Stories are Told

    5 December 2022

    Shame dies when stories are told. In Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, Mele shares why, years after the event, she is telling her story of abuse.

  • Episode 23 - Why Do Women Watch Porn?

    5 December 2022

    Why Do Women Watch Porn? You are probably shocked to hear that women do watch porn. In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific Letitia speaks into some of the reasons why and also plays an interview that she did via zoom with a young Fijian woman in 2021.

  • Episode 22 - Should I Date a Guy Who Watched Porn?

    24 November 2022

    Should I date a guy who watches porn? In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, author of 'He Choose Porn over Me', Melinda Tanka Reist talks about the dangers of being in a relationship with a man who watch porn.

  • Episode 21 - Abused for 10 Years by a Man in Her House

    18 November 2022

    For over 10 years Pastor Maca Tabuya endured severe abuse from a man in her home. Today she still suffers from injuries from that abuse. In Disruptive Voices of the Pacific Maca shares her story in order to challenge the church to disrupt its silence, and to create spaces where people can be healed.

  • Episode 20 - I Started Sex Work at 14

    15 November 2022

    Letitia interviews Sara, a young woman who started sex work on the streets of Suva at just 14. What led her into this industry? Everyone has a story. Hear Sara's on Disruptive Voices of the Pacific.

  • Episode 19 - Helping Needy Widows & Abandoned Teens

    15 November 2022

    Nox leads Aruka, an organisation that he started in order to help needy widows and abandoned teens. In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific be inspired by what can be done by a man with a vision.

  • Episode 18 - Suicides in Fiji have Doubled

    15 November 2022

    In the past year suicides in Fiji have doubled. In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, Letitia chats with Jere, the manager of Lifeline Fiji, on the vital services they offer and how the church can help create an emotionally healthy Fiji.

  • Episode 17 - How Not to Marry an Abuser

    15 November 2022

    How Not to Marry an Abuser. In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, Father of 4 and pastor, Moses OConner shares how he has taught his two girls how to watch guys closely before getting into a relationship. He also talks about some of the red flags to look for and then challenges guys to become men through finding godly male mentors.

  • Episode 16 - Why Do Women in the Pacific Stay Silent?

    14 November 2022

    Why do women in the Pacific stay silent? In Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, Liliana discusses with Letitia the obstacles that keep women silent in Fiji, what has shaped her to speak out and why a woman’s voice is so important.

  • Episode 15 - Is it OK to be Single?

    14 November 2022

    Is it Ok to be single. In Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, Letitia interviews her single friend Kesa on what it’s like being in your late 40’s and single.

  • Episode 14 - Adopted, Abused & Living on the Streets

    14 November 2022

    Adopted, abused and living on the streets. This describes the first 13 years of Edwina’s life. A former sex worker, she is now running a Safe House and farm to support those with no home. Tune in for another episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific.

  • Episode 13 - Why is the Unity of the Church Important?

    14 November 2022

    In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, Letitia and Ben Morrison discuss the importance of church unity, fathers and reaching our communities. Ben is a local pastors with a passion for all three and doing a great job!

  • Episode 12 - Can Women Lead & Speak in the Church?

    3 November 2022

    Can women lead and speak in the church? Daniel is a local pastor in Fiji who has women preaching and leading regularly. In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific we discuss his biblical basis for this, what is added to the church when women lead and how having women in leadership is an important part of seeing an end to abuse.

  • Episode 11 - I Was in an Abusive Marriage for 20 Years

    3 November 2022

    This episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific features a powerful story from mother of 9 and business woman Elisabeta on how she survived an abusive marriage and what made her finally leave.

  • Episode 10 - Help! I Need Counselling

    2 November 2022

    In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, trained counsellor Koila talks about the importance of getting counselling after abuse. In a nation where there is still a lot of stigma around getting help, Koila talks about the damaging effects on our lives if we don’t get help.

  • Episode 9 - Kingdom Culture vs. Fijian Culture

    1 November 2022

    In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific Letitia & Master Mika discuss Kingdom Culture verses Fijian Culture.

  • Episode 8 - What Type of Leaders are Required to End Abuse?

    28 October 2022

    What type of leadership is required to end abuse? This episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific is an interview with local Fijian Pastor Stuart Yagomate. He talks about what he is doing in his church to create equality, to train young men and what it means to be a pastor.

  • Episode 7 - From Sex Work to Safe House

    24 October 2022

    In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, Letitia interviews Sesenieli, a former sex worker who now runs a safe house for sex workers in Fiji. Sesenieli shares her story of growing up, how she entered the sex trade and what it’s like being a sex worker on the streets of Fiji.

  • Episode 6 - A Story of Abuse

    20 October 2022

    At the age of 3 Wakanesi was abused by an older man in her village. In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, Wakanesi talks to Letitia about how that impacted her as a girl, how she has found healing and how she now encourages the women of Fiji to break the silence.

  • Episode 5 - When Your Husband Leaves you for Another Woman

    18 October 2022

    In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, Letitia interviews Mere who suddenly faced the devastation of her husband leaving her for another women. Mere talks openly of how she has made it through one of the toughest times of her life. (Mere's voice has been disguised to preserve anonymity)

  • Episode 4 - Does Sex Trafficking Exist in Fiji?

    17 October 2022

    In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, Letitia interviews former police officer Linieta Navonu. She served in the police for for 35 years and 20 of those years were in the child abuse and sexual assault services. Linieta shares heartbreaking stories, we discuss sex trafficking in Fiji and also Breaking the Silence.

  • Episode 3 - Affairs & Porn in the Methodist Church

    17 October 2022

    In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, Letitia interviews Rev. Wilfred Regu from the Methodist Church. Last week it was reported that Pastors in the church are watching porn & having affairs. Tune in as the Reverend speaks into these issues and more.

  • Episode 2 - Fiji Free from Porn

    14 October 2022

    In this episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, Letitia chats with Iliesa Fonolahi from Free Fiji from Porn. They discuss the terrible harm that porn does to individuals and communities. Iliesa also shares his personal story of being affected by porn and why he now speaks against it.

  • Episode 1 - What is this podcast all about?

    11 October 2022

    In this introductory episode of Disruptive Voices of the Pacific, our host, Letitia Shelton, outlines why she's doing this podcast.