Movement - Blog



The Beatitudes

15 November 2023

The Beatitudes (Matt 5:1-16) can guide us in the struggle as we are formed into the likeness of Christ. Reconciled diversity is the strength of unity and that is a challenge in this individualistic world.


Citizens Worthy of the Gospel

1 November 2023

Christians have a civic responsibility to their cities. In terms of reaching a city with the gospel this is of utmost importance. Not to be good citizens is to be unworthy of the gospel.


Thoughts on Romans

25 October 2023

Paul takes this Roman script, using the same words that Caesar applies to himself, applies them to Jesus and to this small, seemingly insignificant church. Paul was totally counter cultural and as others have said, counter imperial.


Paul and the Early Church

24 October 2023

Paul was focussed. He went to the key cities of the Empire to plant a church. As he worked with those churches they in turn reached out to the surrounding towns and villages. Paul was strategic.


Theology of Movement - Andrew Katay

19 October 2023

Andrew Katay from City to City Australia shares the Theology of Gospel Movement at a recent City to City training day.



Sustainable Relationships - Ian Shelton

19 October 2023

Ian Shelton from Movement Australia shares on sustainable relationships at a recent City to City Training day.



Releasing Women - Letitia Shelton

19 October 2023

Letitia Shelton from City Women Toowoomba shares about the importance of relasing women into the pain of the city. This talk is from a recent City to City Australia training day.



Vision of Movement - Roger Sutton

19 October 2023

Roger Sutton from Gather Movement in the UK shares the vision for Gospel Movement at a recent City to City Australia training day.



The Missionary Church

10 October 2023

The book of Acts is the extraordinary story of the birth, development and mission of the first Church. This amazing story tells of the first converts becoming a powerful counter cultural community impacting the world of the day.



4 October 2023

The church is God’s “city council,” called, not to be OF the city, but FOR the city.


Happy is the City

13 September 2023

Every city needs to see and experience a happy church living and declaring the good news. If the church is not inhabited by happy people, then what we have is a truncated gospel that will not be attractive to the wider community.


The Great Commission

30 August 2023

The result of the gospel being proclaimed in word and deed will be joy to the world. When the church is obedient to The Great Commission a growing joy will be evident in our towns and cities.


The Happy Church

30 August 2023

God has raised up the church to deliver happiness to the cities and towns of the world.


Our Cities are Ready for Harvest

23 August 2023

I believe Jesus is coming in a fresh visitation to the cities of the earth. He is already at work and calls Christians to join Him in this great redemptive, restoration and rebuilding enterprise. The harvest is far more extensive than previously imagined. The result will be a profound city wide impact.


Rebuild the House and the City

8 August 2023

Is the church today hearing God’s voice to rebuild the house and the city?


The Restoration of All Things - Part 2

2 August 2023

God redeems the world in Christ city by city, community by community. My feeling is if the church of today does not come to grips with this we are in for a dire future to say the least.


The Restoration of All Things

10 July 2023

We know God as creator and redeemer but not always as restorer. This restoration is the ongoing work of a Holy Spirit inspired church.


The War is in the Gates

4 July 2023

One day while reading Judges 5 I was struck by the line, “Then war was in the gates.” This began a journey understanding spiritual warfare for cities in a new, more targeted and strategic way.


Church Unity in Ryde - Greig Whittaker

26 June 2023

Greig Whittaker from City to City Australia, shares the story of church unity in his city of Ryde, NSW and what it means for the church to pastor his city.



Every Place You Tread

23 June 2023

God had promised that He would give them “every place on which the sole of your feet treads”. (Joshua 1:3) Their role was to go into battle for each city holding onto God’s promise that he would fight for them. They were to march into battle for cities behind their all conquering warrior God.


Urban Charter

14 June 2023

This is the God of purpose taking a nation of desert nomads and preparing them to be “city takers” and urban dwellers. 



13 June 2023

The future of the world lies in the hands of leaders who will lead a unified people of God with faith and courage into the darkness of modern day cities by bearing the light of the gospel in word and deed.


Every City Needs a Joseph

30 May 2023

God used Joseph not only to preserve his family in the time of famine but also to forge a relational unity among a group of difficult men.


Measuring Effectiveness - Roger Sutton

26 April 2023

Roger Sutton provides a simple tool to help the church measure its effectiveness in seeing social, spiritual and cultural transformation in your town or city.



A City of Justice

19 April 2023

This is really a story of God’s grace in choosing a flawed couple, persisting with them through their struggles and failures to finally release the promised blessing to them.


The Way of the Cross

19 April 2023

The final heavenly download was about to come Abraham’s way but not before another failure.


Upgrading the Vision

14 April 2023

Abram traded the impossible for the achievable, only for God to give even a greater vision to him. This amazing portion of scripture tells the story of God’s gracious response to Abram’s failure. 


The Divine Reset

13 April 2023

God began this divine reset by calling a man and his family out of the Babylonian city of Ur to begin the long and exciting redemptive journey that would finally be unveiled in its fullness in Christ.


LinC - Marylin Leermakers

11 April 2023

Marylin Leermakers is the President of LinC National and the Founder of LinC Yarra Valley, a ministry she has been involved with for more than 30 years. In this interview Marylin explains how LinC can help the church to meet the needs of its community.

For information about LinC head to



Andrew Katay - Full Talk - Long Lunch 23

11 April 2023

Andrew Katay's presentation at the Long Lunch gathering of pasters and leaders from South-East QLD.



An Easter Hymn

6 April 2023

Philippians 2:6-11 set to music.



Domestic Abuse - an interview with Kylie Smith

7 March 2023

Is your church equipped to help those in domestic abuse relationships?

Our nation is in a domestic abuse crises and we would be naïve to think abuse does not exist in our church. It does, in lives and families you would never suspect. Is your church leadership team equipped not just in helping the victims, but also the perpetrators?

Letitia interviews former Pastor Kylie Smith about the toxic relationship she was in and what churches can do to become equipped. She also runs retreats for abuse survivors. For more information on Kylie and the retreats go to



Releasing Women

21 February 2023

Letitia Shelton speaks of the pain in our cities and encourages church leaders to release women to being to bring healing to this pain.



Pass Me Not Oh Gentle Saviour

7 February 2023

A reimagining of Pass Me Not Oh Gentle Saviour as a heartfelt cry for Jesus.



Thanking the City

17 January 2023

"How often do we go into our city just to say 'thanks'?"

In this video Letitia Shelton describes how a group of female Christians took time out to say thank you to those in their city who are working to make it a better place.



Anne Harley - Townsville

12 January 2023

Anne Harley gives leadership to the pastors' unity group in Townsville and is also the president of the Stable committee, an annual Christmas event that includes 60 churches, 70 businesses as well as local council. In this interview Anne talks about the vision of Stable as well as the state of the church in Townsville.



Nic Mackay - NAYBA

9 December 2022

NAYBA is a unique ministry that among other things measures the social and economic impact of the whole church in a city, town or region. National Director Nic Mackay unpacks what NAYBA is and how it could serve the church in your community.



A 'Tale of Two Cities'

5 December 2022

In a way The Bible is a ‘tale of two cities’. One city is built to glorify God and to provide a place of flourishing for humanity while the other exists to exalt the prideful ways of humanity in rejection of God.


"Bringing out the God-colours"

21 November 2022

Sometimes when I hear of riots and violence in a city I google to find the number of churches in that city. I am often amazed to discover that in many cities there are literally thousands of churches.


God is a City Builder

31 October 2022

God is a city builder. He built the one He lives in; the heavenly city.

This city was the vision that God gave to our father in the faith, Abraham.

“His (Abraham's) eyes of faith were set on the city with unshakable foundations, whose architect and builder is God himself.” (Hebrews 11:10. TPT)


Engage - Hunter Region Leaders' Gathering

25 October 2022

In October, 70 leaders from Hunter churches, Christian organisations, Christian Schools and businesses gathered for a long lunch.


Andy Frost Interview

20 September 2022

Andy Frost is joint CEO of Gather Movement in the UK. They are a group of people who are passionate about working together to see their places improved socially, culturally, environmentally and spiritually. They are involved in bringing the Christian community together in over 150 cities and towns as a network of networks to work alongside the wider community.

In this interview Andy shares stories of how this is happening the UK.



Dave Mann Interview

9 September 2022

Dave Mann leads Shining Lights Trust in New Zealand. Shining Lights is a strategic resourcing ministry, serving christian churches. Its purpose is to help resource, encourage and aid the Christian Church in the sharing of its message of God's love to a world in need of hope.

Because of the nature of his work, Dave has his finger on the pulse of the church in New Zealand. In this interview he shares key insights about the unity of the church in towns and cities around NZ.



Long Lunch Highlights

5 September 2022

On Wednesday 24th August, our leadership team (Gary Rucci, Sue Baynes, Phil Spence and myself) hosted A Long Lunch at Rivercity Family Church in The Gap, Brisbane. The goal was to hear as many leaders as possible from the 30 plus pastors’ and leaders’ networks that we have discovered in the 16 LGA’s (Local Government Areas) of South East QLD. This region stretches from the Gold Coast to Noosa and west to the cities and towns just over the Great Dividing Range covering a population of nearly 4 million people.

With those present we covered 11 LGA’s (We are yet to discover networks in five small county areas). It was invite only to the free (and wonderful) lunch, with 56 people responding and present on the day.

There were 22 speakers who presented great stories of a growing passion for the unity and mission of the Body of Christ in their respective cities and towns. The special engagement talks after lunch covered civic engagement, women, business, politics and prayer.

It was wonderful to be supported and endorsed by the Heads of Churches of QLD. That group is the gathering of bishops and heads of denominations. Their spokesman, Rev David Baker, gave a great video talk at the beginning of the day speaking of his life-long desire for the unity of the church.

The afternoon program included round table discussion seeking to answer two questions: “What have you heard from the Lord over the day?” and “What are you going to do with what you have heard?”

The day finished with a wonderful time of prayer and worship looking to the Lord for His unfolding purposes in our cities and towns.


A Long Lunch - Networking Networks

5 September 2022

On Wednesday 24th August, our leadership team (Gary Rucci, Sue Baynes, Phil Spence and myself) hosted A Long Lunch at Rivercity Family Church in The Gap, Brisbane. The goal was to hear as many leaders as possible from the 30 plus pastors’ and leaders’ networks that we have discovered in the 16 LGA’s (Local Government Areas) of South East QLD.


Interview with the Mayor of Bristol, UK, Marvin Rees

27 July 2022

Marvin Reese was elected as mayor in May 2016 and Bristol became the first major European city to elect a mayor of black African heritage. Marvin was born and brought up in Bristol by his mother. He has declared Bristol a city of hope, built on ambition, inclusion and social justice. During his first term in office he has overseen the building of over 8000 homes, announced the development of a mass transit system and provided a quality work experience for over 3500 children who wouldn't readily have access.


Going Deeper to Go Further - Keith Farmer

19 July 2022

Through his work mentoring pastors and leaders from a wide variety of church settings all around the nation, Keith Farmer has his finger on the pulse of church leaders. In this interview he discusses his new book, "Going Deeper to Go Further" which seeks to equip leaders with the resilience required to flourish under the demands of ministry life. At the same time he challenges the non-biblical attributes of leadership that have crept into the culture of the church.


Going Deeper to Go Further - an interview with Keith Farmer

19 July 2022

Keith Farmer has spent 17 years mentoring pastors and leaders from all kinds of churches big, small and from various denominations. He has a lot of wisdom to offer in the area of mental health and mental well-being for pastors and leaders in this current day and age. He has also recently written a book, “Going Deeper to go Further”.

Book Review - Creation Regained

30 June 2022

For Gospel Movement to thrive it must be underpinned by a solid understanding of God’s intentions as revealed in the scriptures. Here at Movement Australia we lean towards the doing of the Gospel but also understand the importance of sound theology and look to promote resources for church leaders in towns and cities that provoke thought and discussion.


Thomas Grover - Religious Freedom

26 June 2022

Thomas Grover, lawyer with the Human Rights Law Alliance, discusses the issue of religious freedom in Australia. Thomas shares about the growing number of cases where ordinary people of faith are being brought before tribunals and courts for expressing their faith in the workplace and public square. For more info on the Human Rights Law Alliance head to



Mark Spencer - Religious Freedom

26 June 2022

Mark Spencer, Director of Public Policy for Christian Schools Australia, shares how the undermining of religious freedom is impacting christian schools in Australia.


Book Review - Religious Freedom in a Secular Age by Michael F. Bird

27 June 2022

In the introduction to his book, Religious Freedom in a Secular Age, Bird states, “My contention is that as religion and politics get increasingly volatile, people of faith in many Western jurisdictions need to be willing to lose their cultural privileges and resist potential state coercion in order to retain their religious liberties.” In other words, things are going to get harder not easier. He then outlines several recent examples in both Australia and North America where religious freedom has already been encroached. “The future of faith and freedom is going to be ‘complicated’”, says Bird.


Lyle Shelton - Religious Freedom

17 June 2022

The undermining of religious freedom is growing in modern Australia. In this interview Lyle Shelton, National Director of Family First, outlines why churches should be concerned and what they can do about it.



Andrew Hillier - Devonport

17 June 2022

Andrew Hillier is CEO of Loaves and Fishes Tasmania, CEO of Chapliancy Devonport and Chair of the pastors' network in Devonport. In this interview he outlines how the relational unity of the church leaders in his town has spilled over into serving the community in remarkable ways.

For more info see: Devonport Churches Loaves and Fishes Devonport Chapliancy



Annie Cathcart - Intercession

10 June 2022

For more than 20 years Annie Cathcart has been involved in and given leadership to a group of intercessors in Toowoomba Australia. She shares her journey of discovery and the things she's seen and learned along the way.



Mark Schultz - Vertical Villages

26 May 2022

Mark Schultz is the convener of the Vertical Villages projects on behalf of the Together for Ryde pastors' network. Vertical Villages is a paradigm shifting initiative which brings the church in contact with civic leaders, property developers and the general community in a bid to create residential spaces that are conducive to strong community. In the rapidly urbanising and multicultural area of Ryde in Sydney, this is an urgent task and an opportunity for the church. Vertical Villages also hopes to place christians in these housing estates as "professional neighbours" to facilitate community and live out the gospel.

For more information head to:



Matt Prater

26 May 2022

Matt Prater, Seniour Pastor of New Hope Church Brisbane has a big heart for the last, the least and the lost. He is also passionate about the church in Brisbane coming together as one. In this interview Matt talks about both of these passions as well as his love for Christian radio.



Kerryn Pell - Whitehorse Churches Care

17 May 2022

Kerryn Pell talks about the work of Whitehorse Churches Care which, as the name suggests, is the churches of Whitehorse, Melbourne coming together in a strategic and co-ordinated way to practically serve the community.




17 May 2022

It goes without saying that Gospel Movement will not happen in any community without prayer. United, humble, concerted prayer will be the engine that propels the Gospel into your town or city. Like the atmosphere that allows life to flourish, so prayer is the air of the gospel, facilitating Kingdom life.


Jason Hubbard

4 May 2022

From a self confessed prayer-less pastor leading a prayer-less church, Jason Hubbard from Bellingham, USA candidly shares how God taught him and his congregation the power of prayer which then overflowed into united prayer across his community. The result, many church plants, less crime and less abortion.

Jason also shares about his work with International Prayer Connect.



One Church Penrith

4 May 2022

Ian Shelton chats with church leaders from Penrith, NSW on their ongoing work of doing good in their community as a united church.



Caragh Bradbery Interview

26 February 2022

Caragh Bradbery shares her heart to see Ipswich become a better city and some of the initiatives she is involved in to make a practical difference. One of her projects, the Ipswich Central Partnership, seeks to see "people working in partnership with government, local stakeholders and community to implement placemaking projects to increase the vibrancy and success of central Ipswich." For more info check out:


A look at Stable on the Strand, Townsville

27 January 2022

The week before Christmas I had the joy of spending three nights in Townsville attending Stable on the Strand which is a Christmas event staged by the combined churches and supported by the city council and dozens of businesses. It is a remarkable event now running for 20 years and visited by thousands each year.

Click here to view a video of interviews about Stable.


Ben Pearson - Townsville

6 January 2022

Ben Pearson shares his heart for his city, Townsville and how a united church can declare the gospel.



Anne Harley - Townsville

6 January 2022

Coordinator of the combined churches in Townsville and President of the Stable of the Strand Committee, Anne Harley is passionate about seeing the church adapt to the needs of the community.



Townsville Leaders

6 January 2022

Townsville church and community leaders share their heart and passion for their city as well as the practical things they are doing to address the needs of their community. Filmed at Stable on Riverway and the YWAM base in Townsville, the enthusiasm of these leaders will inspire.



Stable on the Strand - Townsville

5 January 2022

Congratulations to the Church of Townsville, celebrating 20 years of Stable on the Strand in 2021. This video features church and community leaders who help to put on this event as a free gift to the city, capturing their heart to communicate the Christmas story beyond the four walls of the church.



2021 in Review

9 December 2021

As December deepens, if you're like me, you might find yourself reflecting on the year that was. Recalling events both momentous and minuscule can help us trace God's thread in our lives and in his church.


Kavitha Emmanuel - India

3 December 2021

Tish interviews Kavitha Emmanuel from Chennai, India. Kavitha works to see cultural change for women both within the church and in the wider community.



Nat and Tiff Spary - BASE Services

24 November 2021

For 20 years Nat and Tiff Spary have been serving the homeless and hungry in Toowoomba, QLD. From small beginnings opening up their home to those in need, under the umbrella of BASE Services they now oversee multiple initiates, partnering with business, community leaders and government to highlight and address the needs of those on the margins of society.

For more information check out



The Voice of God

18 November 2021

Recently I've been thinking about the importance of hearing God's voice and specifically how God speaks to his church in each city.

Jeff Pishney CEO - Love Our Cities

28 October 2021

From humble beginnings in 2007 from Modesto, California, Love Our Cities has grown to include more than 90 cities across the United States and a staggering 215000 volunteers. Lead by the church, these volunteers are mobilised from all over the community, including businesses, community groups and even people from other faiths.


Craig Stephens

26 October 2021

Craig Stephens is a Territorial Envoy for the Salvation Army based on the Central Coast in NSW. Craig not only believes in the unity of the church in his city but is actively seeking to bring the church together for the welfare of his community. A New Way is one of the initiatives where the church together is seeking to serve the city.



Rick Prosser

20 October 2021

"Collaborative mission is our future." In this interview Rick Prosser from Newcastle unpacks his heart for the unity of the church in the Hunter Region. Rick is a practitioner and has devoted his life to helping the church to come together and work collaboratively for the welfare of the community. You'll be inspired by Rick's passion and the practical ways the church is serving in the Hunter.



Regenerative Farming - Johannes Meier

19 October 2021

Ian Shelton interviews Johannes Meier, a Christian farmer based in NSW. Johannes shares how he and other members of the Danthonia Bruderhof community have learned methods of regenerative farming that has allowed his property to become more productive and resilient in times of draught.

For more on regenerative farming see: A conversation with Johannes and his son about water conservation on their property.

Natural sequence farming: How Peter Andrews rejuvenates drought-struck land | Australian Story | ABC News

The Mulloon Institute Landscape Regeneration | Regenerating the Australian Landscape



Geonetworks Leaders' Lunch Perth - Highlights

19 October 2021

"See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?" (Isaiah 43:19) This highlights video from a recent leaders' gathering in Perth sums up what God is doing in his church in that part of the world. Uniting across denominational lines and seeking God's strategy for the community are key components of the "new thing" God is doing.

To see the full video click here


Creation Care - Regenerative Farming

20 October 2021

Environmental issues are a constant topic of debate in our nation. It's hard to go through a day without hearing or reading the phrase 'climate change'.

Collaborative Mission is Our Future

20 October 2021

Even before he came to know Jesus, Rick Prosser had a passion for Newcastle and the Hunter Region. Coming to faith as a young man only amplified that passion.


Mark Sena - Geonetworks Leaders' Lunch, Perth

30 September 2021

Mark Sena, pastor of Faith City Church in Mandurah, WA shares a simple strategy to serve his community which includes: 1. Connecting with the mayor to hear the needs of the community. 2. Mobilising united prayer. 3. Connecting churches with local schools. Are there strategic things the Holy Spirit would have the church in your town do to serve your community?



Nick Scott - Geonetworks Leaders' Lunch, Perth

30 September 2021

Nick Scott, senior pastor of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Perth, shares what God is doing in bringing churches together across Perth. The principles he outlines hold true for the church in every town or city in Australia and the world.



Wendy Yapp

30 September 2021

Wendy Yapp shares how she has been bringing ethnic churches together in Perth to pray for nations in crisis.



A Theology of Cities

9 September 2021

For a City Gospel Movement to thrive it's important to have a biblical framework through which to view our cities. Understanding God's intention for cities is crucial.


Nick Scott - Slower, Lower, Weaker, Together

3 September 2021

A Kingdom inversion challenging the prevailing church culture from Nick Scott, Senior Pastor of Mt Pleasant Baptist Church, Perth.



Kevin Palau Webinar

3 September 2021

Based in Portland, Oregon, Kevin Palau is President and CEO of the Luis Palau Association. He also helps lead TogetherPDX, a sustainable, united movement of churches in Portland, Oregon. In this video he shares the some of the journey of the church of Portland as they have sought to serve their city.



Juliet Ballinger Interview

27 August 2021

Juliet Ballinger, founder and executive officer of Eva's Place, a pregnancy support centre in Queensland, shares her story of establishing the ministry and how volunteers from many different church denominations and theological traditions unite together to carry out the mission of serving pregnant women in their community.



The Builder Series - Season 2 Episode 2

17 August 2021

"You sons and daughters will conquer nations and revitalise desolate cities." Isaiah 54:3 (TPT) Ian Shelton reminds us that God's has a big vision which includes raising up young people to revitalise our cities.



The Builder Series - Season 2 Episode 1

29 July 2021

Ian Shelton unpacks Isaiah 59:16, calling the church to seek justice for the oppressed in each community.



Ride for Freedom

29 July 2021

Letitia Shelton, CEO of City Women Toowoomba, shares the remarkable story of how pornography is being combatted in her city.



One at the Cross - Lyric Video

21 July 2021

(c)2021 Words and Music by Evan Shelton String arrangement by Jared Haschek


One at the Cross

20 July 2021

"One people with one passion and one fire. One at the cross. One family with one father and one future. One at the cross"


Rick Prosser and Kevin Palau Interview

13 July 2021

Rick Prosser interviews Kevin Palau, President and CEO of the Luis Palau Association. Kevin joined LPA in 1985 and began directing the day-to-day operation of the ministry in the late 1990s. Under his leadership, LPA has united tens of thousands of churches in hundreds of cities to love and serve their communities and clearly share the Good News of Jesus. During Kevin’s time at LPA he has also help develop a global network of hundreds of partner evangelists. Kevin helps lead TogetherPDX, a sustainable, united movement of churches in Portland, Oregon. His book, "Unlikely: Setting Aside Our Differences to Live Out the Gospel" describes the ongoing impact of the movement. To learn more see:


Courage to Conquer

5 July 2021

A few years ago Betty and I were flying to Norfolk Island (of Mutiny on the Bounty fame) for a holiday. The plane we were on developed problems and we were instructed to don our life jackets. This was a scary few hours. Even when we limped into Norfolk Island the pilot aborted an attempted landing and was ordered to fly another hour onto New Caledonia. We made it...much to the relief of the very anxious passengers.

During that experience I realised just how scared I was and bereft of natural courage.


The Builder Series - Episode 10

16 June 2021

"Wise strategy is necessary to wage war, and with many astute advisers you'll set path to victory more clearly" Proverbs 24:6 (TPT). Ian Shelton applies this scripture to the church of the city with an encouragement to strategically engage the enemy.



Isaiah's Vision for Cities

9 June 2021

Ian Shelton, Movement Australia Co-ordinator, presents a city theology from the book of Isaiah.



Mark Peterkins and Richard Long - Oneway Ministries Ottawa, Canada

2 June 2021

Mark Peterkins is Executive Director of Oneway Ministries in Ottawa, Canada. Richard Long leads Love Ottawa, a ministry arm of Oneway. Together they outline the unique strategies the church of Ottawa is employing to bring the Gospel to their city. Check out for more information.



The Builder Series - Episode 9

2 June 2021

Ian unpacks why we should not only build churches but godly communities for the sake of the Gospel.


Resources for Mental Wellbeing

20 May 2021

For pastors in Australia, maintaining good mental health is increasingly a challenge. The demands of professional ministry can have an adverse impact on general wellbeing which can lead to burn-out and a premature end to work as a pastor. Sadly, this is an all too common story.


Peter McHugh on mental health for pastors

19 May 2021

Peter shares his keys to maintaining good mental health as a pastor. Peter’s life has regularly been turned upside down when the Lord has sovereignly interrupted him. These encounters have resulted in profound insights around the love of God and the nature of His Kingdom. He shares these revelations in his books and lives them out. He is a sought after speaker, mentor, leader and pastor to pastors. He lives in Melbourne, Australia with his wife Lyn, three children and nine grandchildren.



The Builder Series - Episode 8

13 May 2021

Ian briefly unpacks Jeremiah 33:6 which speaks of God's desire to bring health and healing to Jerusalem. God desires health and healing to every city through a healed and unified church.



Mac Pier

13 May 2021

It goes without saying that we all long to see the Gospel impacting our towns and cities. We long to see Kingdom transformation at every level of society. Achieving this vision requires developing a strategy in each town and city that will help propel us from where we are to where we want to be. In this short talk, Mac Pier, the founder of in the USA outlines the strategy that is guiding the church in New York. For more than 30 years Mac has been working for the peace and prosperity of New York along with other church leaders. Watch and be inspired to seek God for the strategy to take the Gospel forward in your place.



Steve and Patti Buss Interview

6 May 2021

Steve Buss is Executive Director of One Hope in Eugene, Oregon, USA. Together with his wife Patti, who serves as Program Director, they facilitate unity within the church of their community and coordinate many initiatives to serve the needs in their city. All that they do is driven by a strong prayer culture. For more info, check out their website



The Builder Series - Episode 7

6 May 2021

What does it mean to live as a citizen in your community who reflects the truth of the Gospel? In this short video Ian Shelton urges us not only to be good church members but citizens who live out the Gospel in the community.


Staying Passionate as a Ministry Leader - by Keith Farmer

29 April 2021

I have been very surprised and concerned by the prevalence and level of emotional depletion which Christian ministry leaders are experiencing. It is both important and urgent that this be addressed.


Keith Farmer

28 April 2021

Keith Farmer has decades of ministry experience in Australia. For the past 16 years he has mentored pastors from all over Australia and from a wide variety of denominations. Few people have their finger on the pulse of church leaders like Keith. His insights about the mental health and wellbeing of pastors are priceless.



Tim Scott

9 April 2021

The story of what God is doing in Bellingham, Watcom County, Washington State, USA is well worth hearing. Churches are praying together and seeking the welfare of their community with tremendous results. Tim Scott, Coordinator of Day to Pray and Strategic Team in Light of the World Prayer Centre, shares some of the story.

For more of the story check out our previous interview with Jason Hubbard:



Aled Griffith and Steve Silvester

9 April 2021

Aled Griffith and Steve Silvester give leadership to the church in Nottingham, UK, encouraging unity and an outward focus for the sake of that city. They share another wonderful example of how God is bringing his church together to seek the welfare of the city where He has placed them.

For more info: check out the Nottingham City Prayer website:



Jonathan Dove

9 April 2021

Jonathan Dove is the Senior Pastor of Grace City Church in Aukland NZ. Speaking about Jeremiah 29 he says, “I don’t think there is a more significant verse or passage for me at this point in our history.” This is why he is leading his church to seek the welfare of Aukland and seeking to colaborate with other churches to do the same.



Roger Allen - Bristol, UK

9 April 2021

Roger Allen is from Together for Bristol in the UK. In this interview he shares how the church is working together to meet the needs of the community.

For more info check out their website:

For more on the Bristol story check out our previous interview with the mayor of Bristol - Marvin Rees:



The Builder Series - Episode 6

25 March 2021

In this epiosde Ian Shelton presents city theology from Jeremiah 29:7.



The Builder Series - Episode 5

25 March 2021

More bite sized city theology from Ian Shelton. Here he briefly unpacks Luke 4:43.



Jeff Pishney Interview

25 March 2021

Jeff Pishney is the founder and CEO of Love Our Cities. In this interview Jeff shares on the ground experience of mobilising volunteers to serve the community. He challenges the church to work with likeminded citizens to love their cities in practical ways. Originating in Modesto, California, Love Our Cities now works with cities all over the USA. For more info check out



Lloyd Cooke Interview

17 March 2021

In 2001, the Times newspaper published a survey revealing that Stoke on Trent was the worst place in the UK to live. This was a wake up call to the church of that city to begin to pray together and work together for the good of the community. You'll enjoy this interview with Lloyd Cooke who champions the unity of the church in Stoke.



What is Movement? - Roger Sutton

17 March 2021

What is Movement? Roger Sutton from Movement Day UK passionately and succinctly explains the key values and strategies that underpin Movement.



Jessica McLaren Interview

17 March 2021

Recently City Women Mackay was launched. Letitia chats to their leader Jess McLaren.

If God is calling you to start something in your city, please email Letitia at [email protected].



Chelsie Wilson Interview

17 March 2021

City Women Rockingham has launched!

Watch this interview with Chelsie Wilson who is gathering women from different churches in her city to begin to look at some of the big needs in their community and how they can help.

City Women now exists in a number of towns and cities around Australia. The purpose is to unite women across the churches to mobilise into the pain of the city.

If you would like to know more about starting City Women in your area, please email Letitia at [email protected]



Lindsay Mayes and Mike Hey Interview

17 March 2021

God is at work in the church of Playford (North Adelaide). Mike Hey and Lindsay Mayes share some of the journey.



Rev. Dr Allan Demond Interview

17 March 2021

"Eat together Pray together Do mission together."

Rev. Dr Allan Demond, senior pastor of New Hope Baptist Church in Whitehorse, Melbourne, shares how the church unity has developed across denominations in his community around the simple principle of sharing meals, prayer and mission.



Nick Scott Interview

17 March 2021

Nick Scott, Senior Pastor of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Perth, WA, shares his heart for the unity of the church in his city and how God is working across WA to bring his church together.



Kalgoorlie Pastors Interview

16 March 2021

A Lutheren, Baptist and Church of Christ pastor share about the genuine mateship that characterises the church in Karlgoorlie, WA, and how it is making a difference in the community.



The Builder Series - Episode 4

11 March 2021

Ian briefly unpacks Psalm 147:1-3



The Builder Series - Episode 3

10 February 2021

"God is a city builder" Hebrews 11:10 (TPT)

In this short video Ian Shelton explains why the church is to imitate God and become city builders.



The Builder Series - Episode 2

3 February 2021

What strategy did the New Testament church use in seeking to fulfill the Great Commission? Find out in this short video.



The Builder Series - Episode 1

28 January 2021

Ian Shelton, Movement Australia Coordinator, presents city theology in bite-sized pieces. Easy to digest and apply!



Biblical Foundations for a City Gospel Movement

11 January 2021

The Heavenly Father has a “city story” that includes your city.

He calls you to be involved in this story. This story is about the transformation of your city or town.

It’s about lighting up your city with the gospel.

The following notes lay a biblical foundation for how to be involved in the Father's city/town story.



Movement Australia Vision

9 December 2020

The vision of Movement Australia



The War in Your City - A Biblical Theology of Cities

8 December 2020

By Ian Shelton. A biblical theology of cities explained in a succint, visual way.



The Next Step

9 December 2020

A MOVEMENT DAY ROUND TABLE is about accelerating the effectiveness of the GOSPEL in your city/town.


Resources To Help Get Started

18 November 2020

Movement Australia exists to see a Gospel Movement flourish in every town and city in Australia.

Here's a list of resources we've collated to inspire you as you get going.


The Vision of Movement Australia

21 September 2020

Want to know what Movement Australia is all about? This short video will fill you in on what you need to know.


The Centrality of Research to City Gospel Movements

4 May 2020

“The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant” - Max de Pree

What is Movement Day?

16 February 2020

Roger Sutton from Movement Day UK unpacks the mission of Movement Day.


Belong to the body

6 August 2019

...scripture paints the body of Christ, as being the sumtotal of its members, both belonging to Christ and to one another.

A Strategy for City Transformation

30 July 2019

No one church, agency or individual will enable cultural, social and spiritual transformation...


Why Does the Church Exist?

23 July 2019

Historically church is seen as an end in itself rather than church being a means to the coming of the Kingdom.



Kalgoorlie Story

11 June 2019



Movement Day Africa 2018

26 September 2018

Ian Shelton, Andrew Youngberry and Letitia attended MD Africa in Nairobi, Kenya on 23-24 August 2018.



Movement Day Working Group formed in Papua New Guinea

8 August 2018

Pastor Walo Ani from the Central Papua region in PNG convened meetings with key city leaders in Port Moresby on 27-29 July.


What are Transformational Outcomes in a City?

2 August 2018

Are we playing catch-up on a story that God has already been telling?


Creativity and the Arts

24 May 2018

When we awaken to beauty, we become aware of new ways of being in the world.


Generous Justice for Our Cities

24 May 2018

In virtually all the ancient cultures of the world, the power of the gods was channelled through and identified with the elites of society, the kings, priests, and military captains, not the outcasts. To oppose the leaders of society, then, was to oppose the gods. However...



Expressing Unity Across A City

4 May 2018

Paul said to the church in the city of Ephesus that there is only One Body. He said nothing of multiple unrelated congregations in the city. John Stott the well known British theologian commented on this passage in Ephesians 4, “to say there are many churches is to say that there are many gods.” A huge contradiction!


Passion For Your City

31 July 2017

Rick Prosser shares infectious love for his city. You can’t help but be challenged by Rick’s passion for his community.



City Serve Newcastle

6 July 2017

National Gathering 2017 Highlights



A Story of Repentance - Inverell NSW

6 July 2017

National Gathering 2017 Highlights



Business' part in a city gospel movement

6 July 2017

National Gathering 2017 Highlights



National Gathering 2017 Highlights

6 July 2017

National Gathering 2017 Highlights
